Welcome to TaxMax!

Please enter the below information to start your tax return process. Please enter the below information to get started. You will be sent an email and text message in case you need to pause your progress and restart at a later time.


The location you select is the location where you will have to pick up your tax refund and/or tax refund advance check(s), if applicable.
Your SSN *
Full Name *

As it appears on most recent SSN card
Date of Birth *
Cell Phone *
Email *
You may receive emails regarding issues with their tax refund. The email will not be used for marketing or other purposes.
Text Messages:
By clicking here you agree to receive text messages from Tax Refund Services Tax Max for the purposes of preparing your tax return. Data rates may apply.
You will be sent an email and text message in case you need to pause your progress and pickup at a later time.
Referral Code:
Need help: Call 813-987-2199
Email: trs@taxrefundservices.com